Preserve Durham's History with a Donation to Open Durham Today! is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of our community. Run by our parent nonprofit, Preservation Durham, the site requires routine maintenance and upgrades. We do not ask for support often (and you can check the box to "hide this message" in the future), but today, we're asking you to chip in with a donation toward annual maintenance of the site. Your support allows us to maintain this valuable resource, expand our archives, and keep the history of Durham accessible to everyone.
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Submitted by Joseph H. (not verified) on Thu, 5/8/2008 - 4:01pm
Now that you mention it, that house is quite the mash-up of Queen Anne, Dutch Colonial, and a few other styles. But it all works together pleasingly. Thanks for pointing it out.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 2/15/2010 - 3:57pm
My name is Charles Edward Markham. I live in Nixa Missouri and I am one of the grand sons of Johnson Olive Markham. I was in Durham about (3) week ago with my (2) brothers, George Britton and Thomas Byrd Markham. We brought our fathers ashes (George Britton Markham sr.) to be buried with his father (Johnson Olive Markham) in the Markham Memorial Cemetery on Farrington rd. I suspect that my father might have lived in that same house (1910 Chapel Hill Rd.), with my grandmother,Josie Byrd Markham. It was probably before their separation. I understand that there was a big disagreement among the other Markham's. When J.O. left, or was admitted to a State Hospital, the other Markham's did not want to assist Joey and my father in any way. Eventually, she had to move in with her mother and father. Her maiden name was( Josie Byrd). All these years, my father was very closed mouth about his side of the family. We found out a lot during our visit to Durham. Durham is a wonderful place.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 4/15/2010 - 4:55pm
Would anyone happen to know about what years J.O. Markham resided in the 1910 Chapel Hill Rd., house ? I recently received a photo of my father sitting on the front porch of a house in Durham. I think it could this same house. In the picture, he was about (5) years old and in a dark suit. The picture was taken in 1919. That would put them in the house as early as 1914, (his birth date sept. 8th 1914), possibly. Any additional info. would be greatly appreciated.
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