Spencer Grocery - 104 South Guthrie Avenue

35.985501, -78.876308

National Register
Building Type
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104 South Guthrie, 1980

Although it's hard to tell now, the small community grocery store building at 104 S. Guthrie was built between 1890-1913; it was originally located half a block south, on the northwest corner of South Guthrie and Angier Avenue. Between 1913 and 1919, it was moved to the north. By 1919, JC Spencer is noted as the grocer at this location in the city directories. William N. Bradley is noted as such in 1930.

The store had been repeatedly remuddled, losing much of its original character. The corbelled roofline, still intact in 1980, appears to have been removed at this point.

104 South Guthrie, 10.02.10


Man... hate to say it but this is one teardown that would not sadden me.

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