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Submitted by Diana Bello (not verified) on Fri, 4/12/2013 - 6:15am
This was so fancy in its day....great place for lunch if you worked at Duke....Thinking of the rooftop pool makes me think again how much I wish some really great architect would take the Oprah (Jack Tar) mid century modern thing on Corcoran Street and make a really, really cool hotel with rooftop pool along with rooftop bar.....Such a shame to lose that building.....History....we need to keep it around.
Submitted by Diana Bello (not verified) on Fri, 4/12/2013 - 6:17am
Gary, Do you by any chance have any photos of a place called "The Rebel" which was a drive in place to get drinks and food...I actually think it was near where this hotel was located.....I remember you had to drive "down" a slope past the carhop to get to the parking lot. Secret little hideaway where my mom said I couldn't go. lol
Submitted by Bill Walker (not verified) on Fri, 4/12/2013 - 7:27am
While working on A/C this building in the 70s , we heard that the pool was shut down because two teens had the water in the pool moving side to side which caused the building to move side to side. Rooftop pool was not child proof.
Submitted by Doug Roach (not verified) on Tue, 4/16/2013 - 9:05am
Re: The Jack Tar, I agree, Diana. You'd think someone would realize that what it would take to rehab that place as opposed to tearing it down and building new would be a no-brainer.
Alas, I have no money.
Only imagination.
Submitted by Eric Heidt (not verified) on Wed, 5/15/2013 - 8:39am
It takes very little imagination to see the Jar Tar becoming something like the Phoenix Hotel in San Francisco (search for it in tripadvisor- the spam filter doesn't like my link).... or better. Certainly an easier upgrade than either the Mutual building or the Hill Building, if getting more hotel rooms downtown is the goal (and both htose projects are receiving incentives to do that).
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