Everett, Reuben Oscar

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(Picture and text from Durham Illustrated, 1910.)


In the city of Durham one of the most highly esteemed of the younger members of the legal profession, and one who has been a resident of this city ever since his graduation from college in 1903, is Reuben Oscar Everett, whose offices are situated at 114 1/2 West Main Street. Mr. Everett was born in Hamilton, Martin County, on October 20th, 1879. He was educated in Vine Hill Male Academy, Trinity College, and the University of North Carolina, graduating from the latter institution in June, 1903. He studied law and was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of North Carolina, in February, 1905. He immediately established himself in the practice of his profession in Durham, and in the intervening years has built up a substantial elientele among the leading business men and corporations of the city. From 1907 until 1910 he was attorney for the City of Durham, and has been attorney for the Durham Merchants' Association ever since the organization of that body. He is also attorney for the Anti-saloon league, and a strong worker for the temperance cause. Outside of legal circles Mr. Everett is also active. He is Vice-President of the Southern Security Company, director in the Merchants Bank, and of the Durham Sun Publishing Company. In fraternal circles he is a member of the Elks and of the K. of P. 

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